Saturday, June 30, 2012

karin spencer

Here is the man God has chosen to use for such a time as this to usher in immigration solutions. Bill Moyers Journal . Rev. Samuel Rodriguez | PBS

Friday, June 22, 2012

fully restored reading the bible Your head crowns you like Mount Carmel, and the hair of your head like purple. [Then seeing the king watching the girl in absorbed admiration, the speaker added] The king is held captive by its tresses.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Completely in love with the Risen Christ I HAVE come into my garden, my sister, my [promised] bride; I have gathered my myrrh with my balsam and spice [from your sweet words I have gathered the richest perfumes and spices]. I have eaten my honeycomb with my honey; I have drunk my wine with my milk. Eat, O friends [feast on, O revelers of the palace; you can never make my lover disloyal to me]! Drink, yes, drink abundantly of love, O precious one [for now I know you are mine, irrevocably mine! With his confident words still thrilling her heart, through the lattice she saw her shepherd turn away and disappear into the night].

karin spencer restored

While I commence the restoration process, I will be recooperating at all levels and excuse my absence for the next couple of weeks while I recover my strength. My focus will be Prayer and reading the Bible, while catching up on sleep and eating adequately...Please feel free to text me - 714-642-5040
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